February 2nd, 1999 Sebadoh @ Bogart's in Cincinnati, OH...call (513) 281-8400 or visit http://www.bogarts.com
February 5th, 1999 Shutdown, One King Down, Turmoil, OS101, Comin Correct, Cipher @ Club BPM in Allentown, PA
(no more info, sorry)
February 5th, 1999 In My Eyes, Ten Yard Fight, Reach The Sky, Automatic, Committed @ Stalag 13, Philadelphia,
PA...go to: http://members.xoom.com/stalag13
February 6th, 1999 Another Fiasco @ Cedar Crest Cafe in Allentown, PA...e-mail tim_coolguy@hotmail.com for info.
February 6th, 1999 Lounge and Beefcake @ Bizmo's in East Sroudsburg, PA...e-mail smeth@mindless.com
February 6th, 1999 Big Dog Small Fence with BOB @ Mars Hill in Chambersburg, PA...(no more info, sorry)
February 12th, 1999 Ensign, Saves the Day, Atari, Step Ahead @ Killtime in Philadelphia, PA (right next door to the
Stalag13 (no more info, sorry).
February 12th, 1999 Johnny Rydel Band and others @ Bizmo's in East Stroudsburg, PA...e-mail smeth@mindless.com
February 12th, 1999 Hot Water Music, 400 Years, Jets to Brazil @ First Unitarian Church, Philadelphia, PA (no more
info, sorry)
February 13th, 1999 BOB @ Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, PA...(no more info, sorry)
February 13th, 1999 Living Sacrifice @ The Warehouse in Bartlesville, OK (no more info, sorry)
February 13th, 1999 Long Island Fest in Long Island, NY with Stretch Armstrong, Zao, Torn Apart, Nora, Fastbreak,
BoySetsFire, The Dillinger Escape Plan and many more (20 bands, 2 days, 2 shows each day...but no more info)
February 13th, 1999 Turmoil, Shutdown, One King Down, Chine, Subsist, XIII PFP @ Sea Seas in Moosic, PA (no more
info, sorry)
February 14th, 1999 Ghoti Hook @ The Chop Shop in Baltimore, MD...(no more info, sorry)
February 19th, 1999 Loss For Words, Even Angels, and the P U Stinkers in Columbus, Ohio...e-mail fervorzine@aol.com
for more info.
February 20th, 1999 Zao with Terra Firma and Crutch @ Messiah College...e-mail ACKMan11@aol.com for info.
February 20th, 1999 The Most Secret Method, The Town Managers, Black Dice, Cuevochino, The Greentree
Commandos @ Bizmo's in East Stroudsburg, PA...e-mail smeth@mindless.com for info.
Febrary 20th, 1999 Hurricane Relief show @ North College Hill High School in Cincinnatti, OH The P U Stinkers with
Cellophane Tomb, Rookie, and others TBA...e-mail FIFfifFIF@aol.com for info. (ask Nick why his show got shut down by
the man)
February 20th, 1999 Murphy's Law, Society's Threat, Mongols, Proceed, Lack Luster @ Sea Seas in Moosic, PA (no
more info, sorry)
February 20st, 1999 WIXQ Showcase @ Millersville University feautring Ghoti Hook, Mac the Coffeeman, Dilton, and
ProWrestling...for more info e-mail GhotiRock@aol.com or call WIXQ, ask for Tom B.
February 27th The Livingston Music/Silas Records 1st Birthday Party @ Breakthru Cafe in Huntingdon Valley, PA
Another Fiasco with Tantrum of the Muse, Loss For Words, and Sydney Lethyr. Suggested $5. donation (for the bands, the
venue, and to pay our outstanding debts from the Ohio shows)...e-mail Silas1Paul@aol.com for info.
February 27th, 1999 25 ta Life, Shutdown, Turmoil, Mushmouth, Dysphoria @ Hungarian Club in Phoenixville, PA (no
more info, sorry)
February 27th, 1999 Ghoti Hook in Salem Oregon...(no more info, sorry)
March 4th, 1999 Sebadoh @ Bogart's in Cincinnati, Oh...call (513) 281-8400 or visit http://www.bogarts.com
March 12th, 1999 Ghoti Hook @ Immanuel's Church in Silver Springs, MD...(no more info, sorry)
March 13th, 1999 XIII PFP and others @ Bizmo's in East Stroudsburg, PA...e-mail smeth@mindless.com for info
March 17-21st 1999 SXSW Music Fest in Austin Texas with Ghoti Hook...(no more info, sorry)
March 28th, 1999 Ghoti Hook @ Jefferson Methodist Church in Jefferson, Ohio...(no more info, sorry)
April 24th Ghoti Hook @ Messiah College in Grantham, PA....for info go to http://www.ghotihook.com
Check out these websites for clubs, and promoters:
Bizmo's, East Stroudsburg, PA
Stalag13, Philadelphia, PA
Cedar Crest Cafe, Allentown, PA
Legion of Doom, Columbus, OH
Bernies, Columbus, OH
Little Brothers, Columbus, OH
Bogarts, Cincinnatti, OH
Other Concert Recources
Mekka Club, Ohio
(thanks to Elizabeth of Fervor (shmervor) Zine for most of the Ohio shows and Ohio Links...e-mail her at:
fervorzine@aol.com for info on Fervor.
Send your dates to the Silas News Page courtesy of: Silas1Paul@aol.com and we'll post your show as soon as we
can...please give us a few weeks so we can update it in time to help promote the show.
.silas.records. .news. .band.roster. .merchendise. .pictures. .links.page. .webrings. .paulie. .mook.
.another.fiasco. .sindey.lethyr. .loss.for.words.