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February 13th, 1999
Wow, it's been a month since I last updated this page. We've been hard at work trying to do stuff with no money (if anyone
figures out how to do that, give us a call). But, we are happy to say that I got the Loss For Words master CD for Stumbling
Blindly Through the Dark, and it is muy bueno. I'm very happy with it, and you will be too. They think they're straight
MXPX/Ghoti Hook style, but you can hear a tint of emo-pop vocals thrown in there. The art work is also really cool (good
job Matt!). Monday I'm going to get both Another Fiasco and Loss For Words CD's burned, so you can order them now
(hint). If you order both, you get them for $10 (so that's basically buy 1 get 1 for $2.00). Persevere ("suburban hardcore"
--Chris Francz) has decided to call it quits. They released a demo tape, 1 song on a Facedown Records split 7", and their
half of the Livingston Music hardcore split (still availible), and had some songs on a few comps. Well, they want to record
one more time, and they took me up on my offer to release their album. I'll keep you posted on that one.
January 13th, 1999
Well, it was a rough week in Silas Land...Jim, Emily, and Amy all decided friendships came first, and backed out of
partnership, Tantrum of the Muse has gone independant (waiting for a major label deal which seems immnent), and The Look
Trick also went indie. So, it's back to Mook, and me, with Another Fiasco, Sidney Lethyr, and Loss For Words. We'll still
be releasing the TOTM/Sindey Lethyr split as soon as both bands record for it. Loss For Words is recording now, Loren
told me I'll have it in about two weeks. We'll set a release date for the CDEP as soon as the master hits my doorstep. No
word on the Gransane last report Jason said one of the guys from Somerset had to master it at school, so I guess
that'll get done by months end. I'm starting an online zine called Copyright CyberZine....look for articles about piercing and
tattoos, some controversial issues, a little poetry, some reviews, i-views with Another Fiasco, Mike Park of Asianman
Records (formerly with Skankin' Pickle and the Bruce Lee Band, and now with The Chinkees), an i-view of DPW, possibly
an i-view of Christian from Ghoti Hook, some news (not much), and some more fun a little quiz, a chatroom
hopefully we can get all the underground websites to link to (so people would use it), and the typical website stuff
(guestbook, hitcount, pictures page). This is seperate from the label, I'm not going to review my own stuff, and the only Silas
you'll see is the link to the page. I'll post the address here as soon as Issue #1 is done.
.silas.records. .news. .band.roster. .merchendise. .pictures. .webrings. .paulie. .mook. .mission.
.another.fiasco. .sindey.lethyr. .loss.for.words.