The Elkton scene has given us many great things, Kubla Khan and "Die Lady Bug Die", Bill Brown and his experience, and
Sidney Lethyr. Playing artistic distrorton free metal makes them another very artisitc band for us. Unique vocals bringing
meaningful lyrics may not go over well in the Upper Darby hardcore scene, but for fans of good music this is a metal band to
experience. Bringing together a jazz aficiando with a talented drummer from punk band Beyker, and a thirteen year old
bassist, makes for a very eclectic sound that drives and thumps it's way though your body and soul. Recently dubbed
America's Loudest band at Wogfest '98, and playing an impromptu set with Bill Brown of Pterydactl made Sidney Lethyr
one of the best stage acts I've seen in a while.
Look for Sidney Leathyr to come out swinging on their half of Tantrum of the Muse vs. Sidney Lethyr
Sidney Lethyr is:
Darrel...vocals, guitar
Contact e-mail:
.silas.records. .news. .band.roster. .merchendise. .pictures. .webrings. .paulie. .mook.
.another.fiasco. .sindey.lethyr. .loss.for.words.